New User Incentives

This thread is about the communities’ ideas on new user incentives. The problem I am trying to address is the general populations’ reluctance to change. I am suggesting there needs to be greater incentives available that would entice people and Presearch advocates to overcome that natural immunity to change. Below are a few ideas to get started.

Offer new users 1 day, 3 days, or 1 week of AI access (whatever might be sustainable) and the option to use PRE referral or search rewards as payment for AI and other future premium services.

Implement new long-term usage rewards such as streak badges or PRE or 1x day AI access or consumable NFTs for AI access. Long-term usage rewards can be a beneficial way of increasing user activity on the platform over time. Change requires forming new habits so by offering different rewards such as tokens or other benefits for consistent and regular usage, you build new ‘better’ habits and encourage users to make Presearch their go-to search engine. This can help to build a strong growing user base and increase the overall activity on the platform. This could be a badge or NFT or Xx days of AI access for every additional month of continued usage. If you do 3 month or 6 month or 1 year streaks each might unlock additional rewards.

Rewards for value provided to the ecosystem seems in-line with the Presearch vision. So other areas or options that could be similarly rewarded might be for filling out the personal information section on your profile page. That may ultimately be helpful to more accurately inform advertisers (without PII or specifics) what type of users are using Presearch. You already have a section for this it would just be offering a small incentive to fill it out. Additionally, you could offer a reward for first node established which might be a badge/consumable NFT or PRE that could give the user 1x day or 1 x week AI access. Running a node (staked or not) for a streak (continuous period of time) might be another unlocked reward. Once a badge/NFT is used the NFT is burned removing it from circulation, this could also be done without NFTs. However, consumable NFTs could then be sent, traded, given away to new users as additional incentives to join, or purchased via an NFT marketplace (internal or external) increasing brand awareness and adoption.

I will also mention something talked about in another thread: the possibility of staking PRE for a designated user account to get the AI access. IE: if you refer a friend or family member this would be a new feature that would allow you to stake the requisite PRE for another user account to get the AI access. If you un-stake the AI access is removed for that recipient unless they have their own required PRE amount in their account. This allows us to personally incentivize potential users that are on the fence or use our PRE to give other Presearch users value whenever we like.

Onboarding needs to be easy – I mentioned in other forums the Presearch browser on iOS and Android being a great onboarding tool. If you are not leveraging this with new users it has a near 100% success rate once I help the new user set it as their default browser they become a long-term user. Something similar for desktop would be great or plugins that are more successful at making presearch the default search. Most browsers now don’t automatically switch the default search provider they have actually made it more cumbersome to add new non-default search providers. To address this problem if there are any content creators in the community please consider creating some easy to follow short video instructions on how get this setup on different desktop browsers. Another option is better plug-ins that do make it automatically the default search engine and/or when our community grows we can advocate to bigger browsers to add Presearch as a default search provider option.

Lastly, consider quarterly contests similar to the homepage background competition to reward users and advocates who successfully onboard the most users for the quarter, provided the new users meet usage guidelines or earn a certain usage streak badge. Basically, you need a way that only rewards real converted active users and not just fake signups or bots. These are just some ideas that may help Presearch sustainably onboard new users and keep existing ones active. Eventually if it is sustainable to offer AI access to everyone, Great! Or if these incentives become unsustainable, they can always be changed.

Would love to hear your ideas.


I love it, I also think that a tokenomics system could be implemented in the community, similar to Reddit, where users with more likes, comments, good posts, or contributions earn a small percentage of tokens. It’s another way to encourage the proactivity of the forum. :100:

Also, the badges mentioned in the search engine are a good method to incentivize the population. In fact, it could be implemented that the user could earn a higher percentage of profit compared to others based on their usage and time spent. Additionally, if a user keeps a deposit within the platform, they could be granted a certain level of membership and by holding, for example, 10,000 PRE tokens instead of earning 0.16 PRE per search, they could earn 0.20 PRE.

For holding 20,000 PRE tokens, they could earn 0.25 PRE
50,000 PRE tokens, they could earn 0.35 PRE.

This would be another great way to incentivize users and it seems fantastic to me. :star:


I agree with almost everything you said.

The only concern or potential issue I see is the comment on higher staking allows you to earn more from your searches. It might work out if the slash against tokens for farming is also higher but it might also tend to produce unnecessary or un natural search queries. This was mentioned on another platform by a different user as being a concern. What the platform and advertisers want is many people conducting regular natural searches. Some of us may naturally conduct a lot more searches than others but instead of additional PRE per search the additional stake might increase a streak unlock amount. Just pulling numbers out of the air but let’s say a 1-week streak might unlock 5 PRE with a higher search stake maybe this increases to 6 or 7 PRE longer streaks like 1 month might unlock a lot more.
This concept would still reward the higher stakes but ensures searches are more natural. I don’t have any data or metrics to back this claim up but it might be more sustainable too because it is rewarding continuous use of the platform vs number of searches. A streak might be calculated as the number of days of use with no more than 48 or 72 hours of between searches. You would still potentially get search rewards for your searches but that amount would be the same for everyone.
These streaks reward regular use of presearch vs number of searches conducted. So someone doing their regular searches of say 1-2 a day with some occasional much higher searches per day could still unlock streak rewards.

Just another idea to address the concern of unnatural searches.

IMHO I think search rewards in general might be a continuous thorn in the side of the project.
It could eat resources and time and may have to be reduced, capped, or discontinued at some point.
Even with search staking there will likely still be token farming and the reactions to address farmers might impact legitimate searchers or just people that were farming that want to explain why they were not. A warning or slash of staked tokens will lead to many emails or legal threats the team will have to answer. This will just waste time and resources. At some point however they decide to proceed there might need to be a cap of tokens earn-able through searches and/or search rewards discontinued for new users.

It is understandable and I understand your well-thought-out point. It is true that the larger reward for stacking could encourage unrealistic searches just to earn more reputation. However, the idea of daily rewards with weekly goals is a good option because it would require the user to be active not just for one day, but for 5, 6, or 7 consecutive days to earn the merit. This would keep the site alive and encourage people to stay for longer. I support it. :+1:

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For enticing people to use the search engine normally, I think we should go away from “earning” search rewards, and move to “winning” search rewards. You should not get PRE every time you search, instead you get entered into a chance to win a reward. Every five minutes we could randomly select winners of the PRE search rewards.

Some prizes should be large and some small. This would be great for marketing if you could win up to $100 worth of PRE just for using the search engine. But with enough small prizes it would ensure you would eventually win rewards if you use the search engine long enough.

Instead of the Reward Verification System finding fraud and revoking search rewards, it should calculate the odds to win a reward. If the RVS thinks an account is a bot, it would adjust the odds of winning down to zero. If it is a high quality account that triggers valuable ads with a high confidence of authenticity, the odds to win would be much higher.

I think the scammers will give up when they are not winning any rewards.

The search rewards given out should just be calculated as a percentage of the PRE earned by the system. We should never be giving out more PRE than is being earned. This guarantees the sustainability of the project.

I like the idea of rewarding based on doing work for the network. You would still have to verify that is real people doing the task, which seems very difficult. You would probably still need to require stake to earn those rewards. It’s pretty easy these days to use AI to complete captchas, fill in forms, and view ads.

I dunno. Just my 2 cents


Thanks for helping to organize this thread!

There are clearer lanes now to throw votes behind. I propose if new ideas don’t naturally fall into one of these lanes that we add additional lanes in this proposal (add F., G. etc.) to vote on and pursue. The community can help keep these lanes clean.

One possible addition depending on how the team develops things moving forward would be

add F) Non-PRE rewards/incentives. This is to give flexibility to the team for increasing incentives but may not feel like PRE is the best option or most sustainable at this time. Ie. giving AI access or some other benefit maybe for a set period of time. I am a firm advocate that at a minimum current and new users need to be able to experience AI search without additional out of pocket costs even if for a trial period (1day - 1 month), so they can see at least some of the notable differences from other search providers. This could be accomplished with or without consumable NFTs.
However, as stated previously NFTs are a great way to earn transferable or monetizable rewards without additional PRE being allocated. As a consumable NFT one could gift another user a perk or exchange a 1x week AI access NFT for another crypto community token or perk, or as I expect would likely occur Presearch NFTs making their way onto opensea, rarible, and other NFT marketplaces potentially monetizing the value, increasing brand awareness, and potentially adding new users. This option provides value without use of token and will likely yield more breakage (non-used value) which is great for a business. You are giving value away but are not likely to incur the total cost of those give aways. (This is akin to gift-cards that people receive place in a drawer and accidently throw away. Businesses love this because they can claim gifts for tax purposes or bragging rights that they didn’t have to fully incur) Presearch could then say they gave away x amount in 2023 because it could have been a cost to their bottom line.

I would tweak 2 categories as follows:

B) Reduce search rewards and reward users with PRE for other activities (rewards by Presearch itself).

D) Increase PRE utility.
The reason for this change is to broaden this category to fit more ideas under it otherwise we may have to go past Z) to get all the potential PRE utilities included all of which make current and future PRE earnings/holdings more valuable/useful.

New list for voting on New User Incentives:

A) Increase PRE rewards (per search or per usage streak).
B) Reduce search rewards & reward users with PRE for other activities (rewards by Presearch itself).
C) Reward users with PRE for other activities (rewards by advertisers/sponsors).
D) Increase PRE utility (increases the uses and value of current and future PRE rewards).
E) Threshold. Allow users to combine “all” earned rewards to achieve the threshold faster.
F) Non-PRE rewards/incentives

My vote is in this order w/ an explanation why:

  1. D) Increasing PRE utility will make all current and future rewards/holdings more valuable without changing any rewards. This also helps with regulatory issues because once built every new user purchasing PRE would not be doing it for the purposes of speculation perse but instead for its utility of which there is already keyword utility but more utility the better = (*Ripple v SEC - XRP = Not an investment contract!). If Presearch ever went out of business a DAO or some new entity could pick up the pieces and continue developing it as users continued to use with current utility.

  2. F) Because it can be done quickly without any other impacts, token, or regulatory considerations and still have extremely positive benefits.

  3. B) I assume with a fixed PRE reward pool this would initially mean less for search rewards and the search reward difference instead going towards other equally or more beneficial user actions for the project. Totally support this concept as we reduce search rewards this reduces incentive and time spent dealing with token farmers.

  4. C) I love this one and would put it higher but it seems like it is something out of our control and reliant on 3rd party advertiser negotiations. I tend to think what is within our control and also will have the highest return on those efforts. I think this has huge potential but need a large eager pool of advertisers which I don’t think are here yet because users and searches are not interesting to them yet.

  5. E) This becomes less necessary if D) is implemented, because instead of having to wait to withdraw tokens instead most will likely use their tokens for value within the platform (kind of like store credit you received this value but you have to use it here! Except NOT for nodes). If Presearch does a great job with D) the amount owed in the out years (liability) could get reduced to nothing as people use rewards for goods and services on the platform. This could very likely turn this liability into an asset as others will want to purchase tokens for the increasing utility it offers. This increases exchange volume making exchange listings more likely but it also increases income in the form of PRE back into the Treasury. PRE income means the reward pool can become sustainable even before the ad revenue is fully turned on or in best case allows Presearch to increase rewards. This is why I think D) in my mind is easily the highest return and makes the most sense.

  6. A) I put this last because we should not increase token distributions at all until current rewards are sustainable otherwise the entire project is put at risk.


100% This for sure :+1:

I’m not a marketing guy so I may not fully understand the above conceptual ideas. I think they still require either

  1. other presearch users who have affiliate links for Amazon etc. to be able to ad or change an organic search result into a “sponsored “ one. End user could click on the organic link or a small sponsored button next to the original link if the user clicks the sponsored one and purchases the product they can earn a little PRE and the sponsor earns a little commission on the sale.
  2. for the advertisers themselves to sponsor links both of which could add PRE incentives for users to check them out or use them if that is what the end user needed and was planning to buy anyway.
    Do I have that right? BTW great idea sorry if I may be lacking some nuance or missing what your explaining.

I can see how the above concept specifically would not require any reduction to current search rewards which would be great. If I understand this correctly this is actually a different category/lane that we could add.

As for the category/lane of reducing search rewards - the way I see it is Presearch has a pool of PRE in Treasury that they can use as rewards to incentivize adoption or reward specific activities/actions that benefit the platform. The allocation amount for search rewards has been set by the team so as to be sustainable hence a cap of no more than .1 per search and less when the price of PRE increases. This means there is a fixed budget for search rewards at this time because of a finite dwindling treasury. Obviously this could change either with additional recurring PRE or Fiat revenue streams. But for now this is my assumption.

With a fixed budget allocation to search rewards - all I am suggesting with B) reducing search rewards is that it would allow the same allocated amount of PRE to be given away as rewards in potentially different ways or for different actions.

  • instead of search rewards a search lottery
  • reduced search rewards but bonus unlocks for usage streaks
  • reduced search rewards but bonus for filling out some basic demographic information or watching some educational videos on Presearch etc.

In every case at least with B) users can still build up rewards towards a withdrawal so that concern of feeling shorted should not be an issue, because the same amount of PRE can be earned by users but just through various actions/activities instead of just 1 (searches). What this does is reduce bot token harvesting incentive because it would presumably be more difficult to program bots for many actions/activities vs just 1. At the same time it starts to reward other equally import things for the platform.

50% reduction of search rewards .05 per search cap might allow Presearch to give say 2-5 PRE per educational video explaining various things about the platform. How to use referral links on keywords for profit, how to setup a node, how to onboard new advertisers, etc. it might also be able to give random lottery bonuses for searching, or filling out non-PII information.

As income in FIAT and/or PRE income increases the rewards become sustainable or can be increased further incentivizing value to the network.

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Great idea! Thanks for the additional explanation. I would click any Affiliate links that could benefit Presearch or its users if I was already looking to purchase the product or service anyway.

I think we are saying the same thing reduce vs replace – replace is probably the better adjective overall.

However, it would technically require a reduction of PRE in terms of search rewards in order to replace that reduction with some other actions equaling the same total.

If there was a 50% reduction of PRE on search rewards – The new max cap per search .05 PRE this would allow the fixed budget to replace that .05 saved per search with .05 for some other actions or lottery rewards. At the end of the day the user could still earn the 2.5 PRE/day max but averaged over time and from multiple means. Some actions might allow you to earn PRE more quickly and others more slowly averaging out to similar reward distributions or cost.

Old - average 5x searches /day @ .1= .5 /day x 7 = 3.5 PRE /week or ~15 PRE /mo

New possibilities – Earn 1.75 PRE / week from same amount of searches but a lotto win might earn you 1.75 for a single search = same 3.5 PRE.
1.75 per week from searching but watch a Presearch educational video on how to onboard new advertisers and earn 10 PRE as a 1x time reward. = 17 PRE in 1 month
Keep search rewards at .1 PRE /search but limit total earnable from searches to say 250, 500, 750 or 1000 PRE. After you reach the max the you can continue to earn PRE from the fixed budget but you earn in other ways. There are lots of ways to do this.

The user averaging 5 searches a day might take 5.5 years to get to the 1k threshold and best case scenario earning 2.5 PRE /day would take 400days.

Changing how you earn rewards could potentially truncate the time it takes to get to the withdraw threshold, but might requires different actions beneficial to the eco-system.

The withdraw threshold becomes less relevant if we can use earned PRE in more enticing valuable ways on the platform. Most won’t wait 400 days or 5.5 years they will look for value now testing AI or other services.

That Presearch covers the advertising of those keywords that do not have Stake and whose advertising is not shown, something like that?

2 questions

Orange buttons
So these would be affiliate links but when you press it it goes to that site under the affiliate and searches for what was in the search box? So that if you were looking for an ipad and you didn’t find exactly what you wanted in the regular search results you could then click the orange button for Bestbuy and find the ipad you were looking for on their site. If you purchase the affiliate would get their commission in this case possibly Presearch.

Green button
Would the link be the sponsor Presearch and the green is just a tag to let you know or is the green an actual button that has the same product from same vendor just with Presearch’s affiliate link?

I definitely believe “streak rewards” are the ultimate “lure” for activity. Virtually every mobile game has them and that is not by coincidence. “daily log in rewards” are most common. It seems this would be an easy one to track and implement quickly and easily. It would be best if streak “tracker” was on home page when logged in so it’s always reminding them. I think this portion may need it’s own proposal thread because of what I believe would be an easy implementation.

The next part of this is what streaks? Obviously, searches would be the obvious one. The daily is already rewarded up to a max. 30 consecutive days with a search performed? Then 60, 90, 120? Then repeat the reward cycle with same rewards to keep it simple. At 60 perhaps the reward would be 120 days of AI which means that when cycle restarts if you don’t miss a day, you would constantly have access to AI. This way rather than handing out PRE your “winning” access to premium features through consistent use. It also would not attract token farmers. At 120 you get 100 pre for keyword staking only (consumptive at that point) so it would go back into the ecosystem. Just some thoughts.

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Thank you everyone for your participation and great ideas. More minds and participation is always better than one.

Before we start figuring out more details of a specific idea, we should first start with voting on the categories/lanes to pursue for increasing new users incentives.

Current list for voting on New User Incentives:

A) Increase PRE rewards (increase PRE reward budget per search, usage streak, referral etc).
B) Reduce/replace search rewards with PRE for other activities (search rewards budget by Presearch stays the same just different actions or ways of distributing).
C) Reward users with PRE for other activities (rewards by advertisers/sponsors).
D) Increase PRE utility (increases the uses and value of current and future PRE rewards and PRE holders).
E) Threshold (some change with the threshold mechanism) might be to allow users to combine “all” earned rewards to achieve the threshold faster.
F) Non-PRE rewards/incentives
G) Reward users with PRE for other activities once Presearch has established its own additional affiliate income.

Once we start to hone in on the top categories/lanes to pursue then we can focus on the best ideas in those lanes to start developing first. Possibly even break the top voted lanes for new user incentives out into their own discussion threads.

As you vote think in terms of ease of implementation as well as the potential return for onboarding and keeping new users.


Current list for voting on New User Incentives:

A) Increase PRE rewards (increase PRE reward budget per search, usage streak, referral etc).
B) Reduce/replace search rewards with PRE for other activities (search rewards budget by Presearch stays the same just different actions or ways of distributing).
C) Reward users with PRE for other activities (rewards by advertisers/sponsors).
D) Increase PRE utility (increases the uses and value of current and future PRE rewards and PRE holders).
E) Threshold (some change with the threshold mechanism) might be to allow users to combine “all” earned rewards to achieve the threshold faster.
F) Non-PRE rewards/incentives
G) Reward users with PRE for other activities once Presearch has established its own additional affiliate income.

My vote:
G./C. Whatever can be accomplished quickest

What are your rankings for prioritizing New user incentives and why?

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Build a better search engine. Market it heavily. Gain users. Once you’ve gained the users, advertisers will follow along with everything else The majority of users using search engines could care less about earning PRE tokens. Ones involved in the industry sure. But the regular joe does care, especially now, about privacy. They also want fast quality results. Features that others dont have are a bonus. . But this is a lot of talk about “charging” and “rewarding” users to gain them.

The team has already said they plan to implement search staking. This is great for those involved in crypto in general and the project. Also for easy battle against bots.

I think general marketing would help the most.


Yes, the Search Stake would put an end to that long battle against Token farmers because although they will still get free rewards the amount will be less than what we have now so the stake is a good option to bring value back to the system without abusing it, so it would be a good cleanup, of course marketing is also important but it is already working on all the points

In general aspects the search Stake would eliminate the interest of scammers to make searches just to get pre something so necessary in this long fight against it, it will work similar to the nodes ie a user places an amount in stake for example 1000 pre and the person will earn pre reward according to the amount in stake, the more Pre the more earnings, we will have more information in the coming weeks, It should be live for all users within two months, Although before that comes the closed beta and then the open beta

Surely there will be a minimum amount, and you will be able to add more pre amount to get more reward, in the next weekly updates will be given details of the minimum amounts, how it will be done, Etc.

We know so far that the rewards without stake would be 0.01 pre per search, we still don’t have details of the minimum amount of stake nor how much will be the maximum daily reward, of course the people who make stake is because they have already bought Pre for a long time mostly, surely they would be operators of nodes and would have keywords, ideally they would continue using the search engine normally, so there may still be standard for that, the token farmers do not buy pre, do not have nodes, etc only use the search engine to earn it for free so that’s what we want to eliminate.

The minimum transfer amount could also be lowered from 1,000 to a smaller amount but this has not been discussed so far.

I will provide any feedback after I see and understand the details of search staking and other roadmap items.

We want more users of regardless of logged in or not. From a management and cost perspective initially the more users using the platform not logged in the better. But eventually if/when premium services and additional utilities are built out and made available we will want the logged users and email distribution to market those services to and increase the demand for the PRE token and the Platform.

Non-logged users will be attracted by better usability (quick and accurate search results), clean user interface, compatibility, non-biased better results, privacy, and other publicly available features that differentiate Presearch from other search providers.

Logged in users and non-logged in users may become more interested in being logged in if there is either
(a) incentives to do so like search or other PRE/ non-PRE rewards. These are all net costs for the project and should just be used to get people into the door. This should not be the end goal!

(b) the other reason and preferred use for having logged in users (end goal) should be to offer them innovative premium features and many utilities that require PRE. Whether the individuals buy PRE, earn the PRE, or use Fiat that then automatically converts and uses PRE to get access to premium services. This should be the ultimate goal of having logged users.

Advertisers get access to all users logged or not and only care about total searches and number of people they can advertise to. Advertisers don’t care who they have to pay.
However, if Presearch is trying to level the playing field, it should transform the advertising business model by turning it on its head. Instead of paying a centralized entity to get your ads in-front of people with Ad slot NFTs they could instead be paying decentralized users and Presearch DAO. This solves the issue of centralized corrupt organizations deciding what ads are displayed or not. This also allows everyone interested to build their own advertising business off of the Presearch platform.
This is equivalent of what Uber and Lyft did with the taxi industry. giving the keys to advertising profit to the people will create massive demand from entrepreneurs all over the world who will bring with them the users. How many more people use Uber and Lyft now than taxis?

All of my ideas track import metrics network.presearch recommendations. Attempt to increase users with better incentives, browser integrations, or innovative differentiators (could become great motes from other search providers). At the same time attempting to increase PRE utility, volume, value, and sustainability.