I put the IP into putty and launch the black CMD screen i type in the username root but the password it doesnt let me type in or if i shift insert enter it just says access denied.
After a long while it says Putty fatal error remote side unexpectantly closed network connection.
Anyone know? this will be my first node of 25 and really stuck on why it is denying my access to the racknerd server, i am using the IP address and password in the email which comes alongside the root username.
Is there a special way to get the password to go into the box after you have logged in with root?
You have to copy and paste the password with the mouse, When you enter the IP and enter the racknerd server then you must enter the password, When you paste the key you will not see it visually, it is as if it were invisible so you simply paste the key and click enter, Once you do that you will enter the server and you can run the node by placing the corresponding script Node Setup Instructions - Presearch Docs