Idea for mass adoption

Right now there are many things under construction and everything can be adapted to the situation, In that case, we would have to wait for the best decisions when necessary.

I still think itā€™s a good idea and it shouldnā€™t be too difficult to implement. If you what to suggest Presearch to someone in Spain, China or some other country itā€™s much easier to do if you can change the language for the menu and the settings. Also some new users can find the interface in their native language more comfortable. And first impression is important.

Hello. I have 2 questions for the team.
1 Why havenā€™t you updated the contract on CoinGecko and Token Sniffer?
2 My account seemed to be banned on Discord and Telegram for asking this simple question. Are your admins Ok ?

Hello, we donā€™t know, maybe it was because of spam.

I go there once in a while and Iā€™ve made just a few posts.

What is token sniffer? Thatā€™s something that has nothing to do with presearch, What does that have to do with the presearch contract? The contract remains as it is according to the last update made by the team in which the cosmos network will be allowed to integrate.

You can write on discord but please do not spam other things that are not related to presearch

Token Sniffer is a well-known platform for evaluating token contracts, like Presearch has. Just look it up.
Some time ago Tim was talking about updating contract for a possible exchange filling. The update would give away the ability to change the contract by the project. That was the main problem for a possible new exchange. But they planned to increase max supply of pre back to 1 billion. Then Tim announced that they updated the contract, if I remember correctly. Thatā€™s why I looked it up on CoinGecko and Token Sniffer. So you are saying that itā€™s not true? And I donā€™t spam anything. If you made mistake with banning itā€™s generally a good idea to apologize and correct it.
Itā€™s also interesting I see a comment by Brenden Tacon on Pre contract page on Token Sniffer. He writes 2 months ago ā€œWe have recently updated our Smart Contract to address many issues, including those that are lowering our score hereā€¦ Can you update this please asap as this harms our reputationā€.
It is the same contract address that Presearch has on CoinGecko. Thatā€™s an interesting question about basic contract even more so for possible investors who do not know Tim and Colin, good and intelligent guys.

The contract was updated a few months ago to integrate the cosmos chain and allow new exchanges, The contract remains the same that you can see in coingeck which is this. 0xec213f83defb583af3a000b1c0ada660b1902a0f
However, the data in coingecko and cmc have been outdated for quite some time, I apologize since it was not clear what you were mentioning, I will add you to Telegram again

I need you to write to me by private message here or on discord since you donā€™t have a username

This is what it looks like there but it may not be updated on that page either

Try joining telegram with this link please

Itā€™s Ok. Thank you. I rejoined you on Discord, I canā€™t on Telegram. My username lovati4b.

Sure, Sorry for the misunderstanding there.