Advertising Feedback

Hey everyone,

Thanks for your continued support and interest in the project.

As many of you are aware, advertising and the ability to capture value into the project is key for both the financial sustainability of Presearch, as well as core for the model of being able to share rewards with community members.

The team is looking at many different ways of incorporating ads and monetization tools into the platform and has been running experiments over the past 6 months to try to determine what the options are.

We are looking for community feedback to determine the best ways forward to preserve the quality of the user experience while also having these mechanisms in place.

Specifically, we would like your thoughts on the following:

Keyword Staking Ads (ads that are shown on the search results, powered by our internal ad platform)

  • What do you like, what do you not like, what suggestions for improvement do you have?
  • We need to introduce consumptive ‘revenue’ to this model - do you have thoughts on ways and timing to do this?

Presearch Takeover Ads (full background ads on the homepage and search results)

  • What do you like, what do you not like, what suggestions for improvement do you have?

Tile Buttons (the brand icons below the search bar)

  • What do you like, what do you not like, what suggestions for improvement do you have?

Bing Keyword Ads (the top two ad units above the search results, powered by Bing)

  • What do you like, what do you not like, what suggestions for improvement do you have?

Affiliate Links (the ability for the project to collect commissions by tagging an affiliate identifier onto links within the platform)

  • What do you like, what do you not like, what suggestions for improvement do you have?

We look forward to your thoughts and questions, and team members will review and reply as possible.

Thanks for helping to improve Presearch!

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  1. Please monetize enough so we survive. Do not die at any cost.
  2. Takeover background ads are costly. Not everyone likes them. Costs bandwidth and not nice.
  3. Affiliate links, sponsored textual ads at the middle / bottom of the page are other ways to keep money flowing.

I liked the ability to support Presearch through purchases with the little blue Presearch affiliate tag. However, they went away pretty soon after launch then only certain providers, and now i don’t see them any more.


Thanks for the suggestion, we precisely need feedback from the community to see how we can improve different aspects of monetization And in this way we can continue advancing in meeting the objectives while maintaining the vision of privacy and decentralization, Also incorporating elements that are as least invasive as possible for users but at the same time maintain a permanent and growing source of income.

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If you want a permanent and growing source of income you need to build services that people willingly want/need to pay for. Ads are always annoying and can only really provide income when you have a happy vibrant growing community otherwise you are just trying to milk a turnip.

Those quality utilities and services is what the team should be focused on not trying to figure our ads


Presearch Takeover Ads (full background ads on the homepage and search results)

PC Version: I have no problem with them on PC/Desktop.

Mobile Version: they are just horrible and as someone else already said will absolutely scare away new users. Just makes the search engine look so bad in my hones opinion. Also the AD-text on the bottom of the search results page (the one that leads to the Takeover-Ad) has to be removed or hugely improved since it looks really bad and just “thrown in there”. How can they be better? I really dont know, they are way to intrusive on the mobile version

Tile Buttons (the brand icons below the search bar)

Mobile & Desktop Version: Dont really mind them, they are fine on both Desktop and Mobile versions. One improvement i think would be to increase the font size of the “Any time” and “Location” search options in the Mobile version, they look too small in my opinion.

Bing Keyword Ads (the top two ad units above the search results, powered by Bing)

Mobile & Desktop Version: I had huge problems in the beginning with Bing Ads being blocked by both Firewalls and AD-blockers (for obvious reasons). It resulted in the search results page never loading because it was waiting for the Bing ad domains to resolve… which they didnt so I had to stop using Presearch for a while. I really don’t like Microsoft / Google products, I have not seen these Ads that much but I totally agree with @XRPRE on what he said about the Bing ads.

Affiliate Links (the ability for the project to collect commissions by tagging an affiliate identifier onto links within the platform)

Mobile & Desktop Version: They are fine now I think, same here in the beginning that the URLs / Domains being blocked by AD-blockers which made the search engine useless, since I could not click on any affiliate links (ex: If i searched for “Binance” the results that had to do with Binance were all affiliate links, so I could not click on them because the link got blocked by AD-blockers and my Firewall).

However, haven’t had these issues for a while, so as long as they don’t result in blocked “redirects” I’m fine with them and would happily click on affiliate links to support the search engine.

Glad that you are asking for user input, very good and please keep doing so. Makes the community stronger & better, thanks!


About me
As some of you may know, I am a team member at Presearch. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I had to take a step back from active participation for a while. However, I have been closely following your discussions and suggestions, and I’m truly inspired by the thoughtful feedback you all have provided here.

Ways of monetization into the Presearch platform (active and new ideas):

Keyword Staking Ads
I suggest that Presearch should implement some quality control mechanisms, such as ratings, reviews, or feedback, to ensure that the ads are useful and trustworthy. I also think that Presearch should introduce some consumptive revenue to this model, such as charging a small fee or commission from the advertisers or the users, to generate more income for the project and to incentivize more participation from the community.

Presearch Takeover Ads
I suggest that Presearch should limit the frequency and duration of these ads, or offer the users an option to opt-out or skip them. Alternatively, Presearch could replace these ads with more subtle and interactive formats, such as banners, pop-ups, or videos, that are more engaging and less annoying for the users.

Tile Buttons
I suggest that Presearch should allow the users to choose which icons they want to see, or to add their own icons, based on their preferences and interests. Presearch should display some information or feedback about these icons, such as ratings, reviews, or rewards, to help the users make better decisions and to encourage more usage and loyalty.

(Bing) Keyword Ads
Presearch should make these ads more transparent and identifiable, such as by adding a disclaimer, a logo, or a color, to inform the users that they are sponsored or paid results. Presearch should share some of the revenue or rewards from these ads with the users, to compensate them for their attention and engagement.

Affiliate Links
Collaborate with companies that offer products or services relevant to your audience. For example, you could become an affiliate for SEO tools or courses. SEO tools are used by website owners and marketers to improve the visibility and ranking of their websites in search engine results pages (SERPs). Presearch should ensure that the links are useful and credible, such as by verifying, filtering, or ranking them, to protect the users from scams or frauds. Presearch should inform and ask the users before using their affiliate links, or offer them an option to opt-out or disable them, to respect their privacy and choice.

Premium Features
Offering a premium subscription that provides additional features or benefits could be a viable strategy. A 5 to 10 euro subscription makes you a Gold Member and this could include extra’s like;

  • higher PRE rewards,
  • premium newsletter,
  • get early access to your new products or services,
  • removing the max rewarded searches per day, NFT earnings,
  • advanced search capabilities,
  • access to exclusive content.

Data Insights
While maintaining user privacy, aggregated and anonymized search data could be valuable to researchers, marketers, and others. Presearch could monetize this data while ensuring it doesn’t compromise individual user privacy. The key to successful monetization is to ensure that it aligns with the platform’s mission and values, enhances the user experience, and provides value to the users. It’s also important to communicate clearly with the community about how and why you’re monetizing, to maintain trust and transparency.

Collaborating with other companies or platforms could open up new revenue streams. For example: Presearch could partner with e-commerce platforms, and earn a commission for traffic directed to these platforms.
Sponsored Content with Partners: Partner with companies to create sponsored content. This could be in the form of blog posts, webinars, e-learning or podcasts.
Ad Space for Related Businesses: Sell ad space on your website to businesses that are relevant to your audience. You could create a media kit detailing your website’s traffic and audience demographics to attract advertisers. Think about Virtual Private Server rental companies, Virtual Private Networking companies (like Mysterium), Online security companies (like HOPR).
Joint Ventures: Collaborate with other projects or companies to create new products or services. Presearch could partner with a software company to develop a new tool for your audience.

Branded Merchandise
Selling merchandise like t-shirts, mugs, stickers, NFTs, branded with Presearch’s logo could be another way to generate revenue.
Brand Awareness and Marketing: Presearch could create and sell NFT’s for Businesses to trade, which can help in developing awareness of a brand.

Online Courses or Webinars
Presearch could offer courses or webinars on topics related to search engine optimization, digital marketing, privacy protection, etc., and charge a fee for these. Collaborate with experts in your field to create online courses. This not only provides value to your audience but also helps establish the Presearch website as a thought leader in the industry.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

  • Creating and Selling: Artists, creators, or Presearch itself can create unique digital assets and sell them as NFTs. These could be anything from digital art, music, virtual real estate, to unique search features.
  • Royalties: NFTs can be programmed to pay a royalty to the original creator every time the NFT is sold to a new owner. This ensures that creators continue to earn from their work even after the initial sale. A small fee to Presearch for hosting the platform.
  • Staking: Some platforms allow NFT owners to stake their NFTs in return for rewards. This could be another way for users to earn from their NFTs.
  • Marketplaces: Presearch could create its own NFT marketplace, earning revenue through transaction fees, listing fees, and premium features.
  • Partnerships: Presearch could partner with NFT creators or other businesses, earning a commission for NFTs sold through their platform.
  • Community Building: NFTs can be used to build a strong community. Owners of NFTs could be given special privileges, access to premium features, or voting rights on the platform.
  • Tie-ins with Physical Assets: NFTs could be tied to physical items. For example, owning an NFT could give the holder the right to a physical piece of art, a Node computer or a real-world experience.

Consulting Services
Presearch has much expertise in particular areas, offer consulting services. You could partner with other experts to provide a wider range of services.

Blockchain Partnerships
Partner with blockchain projects to integrate their services into your website. This could include anything from accepting cryptocurrency payments to implementing decentralized applications (dApps).

Collaborate with game developers to create a game that complements your website’s content. Users could earn points or rewards for engaging with your website, which could be redeemed for products or services. Do a poll with a price for the best 3 ideas.

AI-Powered Tools
Work with AI companies to develop tools that enhance your users’ experience. For example, an AI chatbot that provides personalized recommendations based on user (search) behavior.

Augmented Reality (AR) Advertising
Collaborate with AR companies to offer interactive advertisements. This could provide a unique and engaging way for companies to promote their products or services on the Presearch website.

Sustainability Initiatives
Partner with environmental organizations to implement sustainability initiatives on the Presearch website. For example, you could plant a tree for every purchase made through the Presearch website.

Allow users to contribute content or ideas to your website. You could then monetize this user-generated content through advertising or sponsorship deals.


Hello Ben,
Outstanding feedback! Your detailed feedback on the Presearch advertising models is highly valuable. I appreciate your insights and suggestions, which reflect a deep understanding of user experience and monetization strategies. Your feedback provides valuable guidance for refining the Presearch advertising models. I am for the incorporation of your suggestions to improve the user experience, enhance monetization strategies, and position Presearch as a leading search engine that prioritizes user privacy and rewards its community.

I agree with your assessment regarding the current shortcomings of keyword staking ads. The lack of quality control and relevance to search queries has resulted in a suboptimal user experience. Your proposal to mimic the successful advertising platforms of Google and Bing resonates with me. Professional keyword advertising platforms offer a range of advantages, including high-quality ads, targeted reach, and effective reporting tools.

I commend your suggestion to introduce a minimum Cost Per Click price to ensure advertisers value relevant and effective ads. This mechanism would incentivize advertisers to prioritize quality over quantity while maintaining a healthy balance for the platform.

Your criticisms of Presearch Takeover ads are also on point. The full-page background image ad concept is intrusive and detracts from the user experience. Replacing it with fixed-sized banner ads would be a more user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing alternative.

I agree with your concerns regarding the tile buttons feature. The lack of relevance to the search query and the use of irrelevant cookies for ad selection undermine the usefulness of this feature. Your suggestion to replace tile buttons with real site suggestions based on actual keywords is spot-on. This approach would provide users with valuable resources while enhancing the user experience.

Your insights on the potential of affiliate links are also insightful. I agree that selecting a range of reputable affiliate programs and using them exclusively by Presearch would ensure both ad quality and monetization potential.

To summarize all your ideas and suggestions:
Keyword Staking Ads

  • Introduce a quality score system for keyword staking ads. This would allow Presearch to rank ads based on their relevance, click-through rate, and other factors. Advertisers with higher quality scores would be more likely to have their ads shown to users, and they could potentially pay lower CPCs.
  • Provide a way for users to rate and review keyword staking ads. This would give users a voice in shaping the quality of Presearch’s advertising ecosystem. Ads with low ratings could be deprioritized or even removed from the platform.
  • Develop a system for automatically detecting and filtering out irrelevant keyword staking ads. This could involve using machine learning algorithms to analyze ad content and search queries.

Presearch Takeover Ads

  • Reduce the frequency of Presearch Takeover ads. While these ads can be effective at capturing attention, they can also be overwhelming and annoying for users. Showing fewer ads would help to maintain a positive user experience.
  • Make the background image for Presearch Takeover ads more visually appealing and relevant to the search query. This could involve using high-quality images and incorporating design elements that match the overall aesthetic of the Presearch platform.
  • Provide users with a way to opt out of Presearch Takeover ads. This would give users more control over their own advertising experience.

Tile Buttons

  • Replace the existing Tile Buttons system with a more contextual and user-friendly ad network. This could involve partnering with a reputable advertising network that can provide high-quality, relevant ads that are tailored to the user’s search query.
  • Allow users to customize the Tile Buttons to include their own favorite websites or search engines. This would give users more control over the content that is displayed in this section of the search results.
  • Provide users with a clear way to identify and distinguish between ads and organic search results. This could involve using different colors, fonts, or icons for ads and organic results.

Affiliate Links

  • Develop a clear and concise disclosure policy for affiliate links. This would ensure that users are aware when they are clicking on an affiliate link and that they understand how Presearch is earning revenue from these clicks.
  • Partner with a select group of reputable affiliate programs that align with Presearch’s values and mission. This would help to ensure that users are directed to high-quality websites and resources.
  • Provide users with a way to disable affiliate links altogether. This would give users more control over their own browsing experience.

Just so we all are clear, are these what we are calling tile buttons?

Also I disagree with having separate staking ads at the bottom and consumptive ads at the top.

If you combine staking and consumptive and disallow certain affiliates that will become exclusive to presearch. This will be best of both worlds and eliminate 90+% of the current complaints while having this competition between the two will provide much better tokenomics, still a streamlined user interface, and on non-monetizable keywords and phrases the ability to still help generate better search results.

I recommended 70% of views for consumptive and only 30 for staking when both are in competition but if that should be 90% or even 95% so be it. How many millions of tokens would be locked up as a result of having this top spot opportunity. It also allows advertisers to test many other keywords or offer different ads than their consumptive versions. You could also charge a 1x fee on stakers so that there is a fee, with that a notice that guarantees a 15 or 30day warning before any changes to staked keywords. If this model is not working optimally a notice can be posted that in 30 days there will be changes to better support users and advertisers.

Yes, those are the tiles.

I saw these but have no clue what they are for. If Presearch wants community members to use these “tiles” they should explain this better.

Sponsored providers, just look at them under the bar, At the moment they cannot be deactivated but perhaps later there could be a staking function to hide it

If a user clicks on one of the “sponsored providers” tiles and buy something, does Presearch benefit as an affiliate from that?

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Yes, Since that is also part of the monetization, Presearch would obtain income through any purchases made within those providers.

Ok good that should be better explained and advertised. Explain that in an AMA as well as a homepage takeover that might land at a rumble video or short clip explaining this to the community. I never clicked any of those because I wasn’t sure what they were there for or who if anyone benefits.

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Thank you for the suggestions and thoughts, we hope to soon share with the entire community some ideas or changes that will be implemented.

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Three quick thoughts.

Takeover ads cause the advertisers a lot of bounces, because people click anywhere on the background and off they go… - only to bounce back, a little miffed. Put a little border between the results and the takeover add. Savvy advertisers measure bounce rates…

Takeover ads lack relevancy. This destroys the search engine experience. Please work to make takeovers relevant as soon as supply and demand make it practicable.

Google REALLY started making money when they switched from arbitrary pricing to an auction for ads. If you do not set up an auction you will always leave money on the table, especially with keyword ads.


Hello Thanks for the feedback, There are features that can change and improve and it is important that the search experience is clean and attractive for users, Everything’s feedback and suggestions are important to the community and team To ensure things are done in the best way possible

I’ve recently been watching videos about scams by Pleasant Green. And he points out that lots of sponsored links in Google are actually scams. For example, an elderly victim will search for “Amazon Alexa Customer Support” and the first link will actually be for a call centre in India that makes him buy gift cards and send his money overseas. One of the cool things about Presearch is that it isn’t overrun with such ads. I just wanted to put it out there that there should be a process of vetting advertisers when they represent brands to make sure that this doesn’t happen on Presearch. Here’s a YouTube video about this type of scam:

I don’t like the idea of vetting unless it is community vetted. This centralized approach leads to corruption and discrimination and erodes free-speech.
Simple community comments like on x to allow you to fact check or call out scammers is the better approach.