Decentralized advertising opportunity

Advertising creates tremendous opportunities for Presearch. The current model for the text ad slot requires changes that are already on the roadmap, the opportunities I will present below are in addition to and complementary to that planned program. The Problem is that all other advertising on the platform is centralized and needs better, fairer, decentralized solutions that will entice current and new advertisers, create additional opportunities, scale with demand, and increases user adoption.

Advertising on Presearch outside of the basic text ad staking option is a black box centralized architecture prone to bottlenecks which limits potential for ads usage and income. For example I and many other users may be willing to advertise but want options in addition to the current text staking option. A new model should be introduced to compete with and eventually replace this centralized model. The plan should increase decentralization while simultaneously creating PRE utilities, many income opportunities, and massive growth potential in the number and types of advertisers as well as users.

A potential solution could look something like this:

Step 1: Presearch mints X number of NFTs for each ad type/location (shopping ads, visual ads, short-form video ads, etc available to be placed in specific locations on the search results page and eventually can be expanded to ad types for use with external websites). The number of minted NFTs could also be further expanded through the use of geographic location of desired ad audience (Worldwide, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa etc. eventually with increased adoption expand to Country or state specific geographic ad slots). This new Presearch decentralized advertising model need not be confined to the Presearch platform alone, although on-platform is the obvious first step. You could have many types of external ads that could voluntarily be placed on any website by the site owner potentially earning them PRE or Fiat depending on their preference and number of views/clicks. The minting should be capped or have a pre-defined inflation so all users and potential advertisers could better value the digital ownership potential. My preference would be a hard cap in each type/location/geography increasing the value of these ad slot NFTs (think of these NFTs as digital advertising raw real estate).

Step 2: Presearch could then sell these ad slot NFTs, use some as give aways to increase awareness, decentralization, and hold many within the Presearch Treasury to use and/or sell over time. There should also be a safety option for purchasers to whitelist purchased NFT(s) with Presearch to ensure its safety and use only by that user; if lost or stolen the NFT could be burned/banned and the user issued a new replacement NFT. All NFTs sold or re-sold are pure income for Presearch in exchange for decentralizing digital ownership of the ad slots available to advertisers. These NFTs will not appeal to everyone and of those purchased not all will be efficiently utilized and that is ok. With Presearch and other individuals using these NFTs advertisers need not own any themselves to advertise although ownership might eventually appeal to some.

Step 3: In order to use the purchased ad slot NFT, the owner must utilize PRE consumptively to enter their NFT into the current ad rotation for that slot (this is like building temporary rentable property on that raw digital ad land, without the NFT or access to one (other users, advertisers, or presearch) your ads can’t get onto the platform). If PRE is not being consumed for this purpose and there are no NFT ads in rotation users will not see ads of that particular type/location. Ad slot rotations in this model could be purchased by the minute(s), hours, days, views/clicks, etc. You could have a simple fixed cost to enter NFTs into the ad slot rotation with a boosting function to pay more at any point for increasing visibility for your NTF(s) and ads in the rotation. The owner also chooses between options on which ad(s) they would like displayed and/or executing the que of ads available from Presearch.

i.e. The owner of a top right edge display-type NFT, when entering their NFT into the ad rotation they will be presented with at least two selection questions:

-The first question will initially have 3 options to choose from

  1. Choose specific ad(s) only
  2. Support Presearch ads only (these are ads in the Presearch que) or
  3. Both (if you choose both then you will get additional options to suite your needs)

-The second question for NFT owners will be the purchase option where the owner can indicate duration in minutes, hours, days and/or view/clicks. This is what will determine the cost of entering the NFT into the ad rotation and will be a consumptive PRE charge or a higher Fiat convenience payment in order to pay without the need for using your own PRE. This in essence allows Presearch to profit off purchasing PRE in the open market in order to be used for utilities. If a flat fixed rate for entering rotations then all NFT owners could at least get some visibility of their ads in a given period while boosting could create up-bidding payments to compete for additional time or views. If no boosting then all NFTs in the rotation will get equal view time.

This simple three step process/model creates decentralization of ad slot ownership, opens the door to more advertising possibilities, and creates opportunities for all. Presearch wins through the creation of additional decentralization (becomes a marketing opportunity and differentiator from other centralized search providers), creates income from the sale and resale of ad NFTs, creates recurring income from consumptive charges for entering NFTs into an ad rotation, income for convenience Fiat payments, creates valuable PRE utilities, increased PRE demand and volume, and brings on new users and advertisers.

Ad review/approval process:

How does one choose their ads or quickly get an ad approved for use on and off platform via Presearch decentralized ads? This becomes another area of opportunity for users, advertisers, and Presearch. This can eliminate bottle necks creating more value for all. Non-text ads that would be used in conjunction with ad NFTs must be approved for use before introducing to a broader audience on or off platform. This means it must be professional, of a certain quality, and meet specific Presearch, community, and possibly regulatory guidelines. These requirements burden the small staff, slows and bottlenecks the process of getting non-text ads quickly approved and available for use. Ultimately reducing the potential ad revenue and scalability of the platform.

To solve this problem advertisers and users wanting to advertise with images, visuals, or short-form videos can submit those to a 2-step review/approval process along with a partially non-refundable processing fee.

Step 1: User navigates to Presearch decentralized ads portal, selects option to submit ad for review/approval and selects the intended ad type(s) and category of ad (gambling, goods, services, political, awareness, public service announcement, etc). This will determine the level of review and approval guidelines as well as the image size and shape or duration. More on these categories later.

Step 2: User uploads image which automatically determines if image is at least the right type, size, and shape as well as scans for basic known pornographic or other disallowed images in order to quickly and efficiently move to the next step in the review/approval process.

Step 3: Payment page appears to collect PRE or a Fiat convenience option. The user selects how they would like to pay and submits the payment. Once the payment is accepted the ad is now accepted into a decentralized review/approval process portal.

Step 4: (1 of 2 step review/approval) Decentralized user review – This first step allows any logged in Presearch user other than the one who submitted the ad to review the image and grade it on each pre-determined community, Presearch, and/or any clear regulatory guidelines. Each category will be scored and comments are possible to give the advertiser or subsequent reviewers immediate feedback. Each image must have at least 2x reviews with a passing grade to move to the final Approval step. Once a user scores, provides their comments if any, and submits, the advertiser receives the feedback along with the reputation score of the reviewer and the ad go back into the pool que for another reviewer. An advertiser has the option to withdraw their ad from the review/approval portal at anytime less charges as long as the ad is not currently being reviewed. Once this withdraw request is submitted the image will be removed from the portal and advertiser will receive a credit for any remaining fee value. After Initial submission -25% of PRE fee + FIAT convenience costs; after 1st review -50% of PRE fee; after any subsequent review(s) -100%. The advertiser’s image needs 2x passing scores to advance to the final approval. If the advertiser’s image receives 2x failing scores before it is able to get 2x passing it will be kicked back to the advertiser with grades, comments, and the reviewers reputation scores. The advertiser has the option to appeal the decision to Presearch within a certain timeframe for a nominal refundable fee (this fee can also be included in the initial submission payment) if they feel the guidelines were not followed properly by the reviewers. If on appeal Presearch determines the ad is approved the appeal fee will be refunded to the users account all bad inaccurate reviewers will lose reputation points and not be paid for their review. In this case Presearch pockets all ad review fees. However, if Presearch does not approve the ad on appeal, the advertiser will lose the appeal fee, decrease their own reputation, reviewers are rewarded with PRE and reputation for their accuracy, and the ad is not entered into the approval available ad pool. When 2x passing scores are achieved in the review process the image will advance to final approval. The amount available to be earned by the reviewers is 50% of the PRE fee. 25% of that is rewarded for pass fail to each reviewer based on the final Presearch approval. The other 50% is rewarded based on accuracy and quality of reviews split between the two reviewers.

Step 5: (2 of 2 step review approval) Final Approval - Every image with 2x passing scores will be forwarded to Presearch for final approval which include all scores, comments, and reputation scores of the reviewers. Presearch conducts final approval and score. Reviewers are scored and paid on accuracy of their reviews. A pass or fail is awarded the base reputation points and 25% of 50% PRE revive/approval fee if result aligns with Presearch Approval or denial. Scores closest to Presearch final score earns additional reputation points and presearch can also give users who graded a thumbs up or down on their review work (boosting or harming their reputation). All user reviews are compensated based on the accuracy, effort, and overall outcome.

For example: Lets assume the image review fee of a particular ad type was $14.95 Fiat (or 400 PRE) any Fiat convenience cost + 25% of the PRE will be non-refundable to Presearch upon submission. In this case $4.95 +100 PRE. In this example the ad receives 3 reviews (fail, pass, fail). If the first review begins an additional 25% of PRE will be charged but held by Presearch in escrow until either the advertiser withdraws or the image is approved or denied. If the advertiser withdraws the ad after the first review and before a subsequent review is started, that 1st reviewer will be paid 100 PRE and earn base reputation points; the advertiser loses base reputation and gets a 200 PRE credit. After any subsequent reviews the Fee will have no remaining credit value. The 2x reviewers who denied an ad if no appeal is made by the advertiser before lapse of the appeal timeline the reviewers will split 50% of the PRE fee (100 PRE each) and earn base reputation points. The second review was a pass so this user will not be paid but also not be harmed by reputation because Presearch never had a chance to adjudicate. If in this same example the advertiser appealed and was ultimately denied then the second reviewer who issued a pass would lose reputation and the 1st and 3rd reviewers would be eligible for the bonus reputation and paid according to their accuracy (a user that was slightly more accurate might earn 110 PRE and the other 90 PRE this is 50PRE basic pass fail and the remaining based on accuracy and quality of review). If the Appeal was upheld and approved the second reviewer would earn the base reputation + be eligible for bonus reputation, they would also earn between 50-150 PRE; while the 1st and 3rd reviewers would lose reputation and not be paid.

To prevent users from gaming the review process if a user has selected an ad to review they will not be able to make any additional review selections until the current review has been completed and submitted. Upon submission that user will be placed in a 30min hold to allow for better spread and accessibility of reviewers. This time hold could be adjusted for efficiency over time. Additionally, a reviewer can’t review the same ad more than once and can’t be affiliated to the advertiser. When selecting an ad to review form the portal you affirm that you are not connected to the ad in any way. Once you submit confirmation you will be given the ad to review. The only thing a reviewer sees in the ad portal is the advertisers unique ID, the type and category of ad, and the if it is the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd review. If members or advertisers are caught gaming the system they can lose reputation or be banned from the Presearch ad platform.

This model rewards accuracy, advertisers pay for the review process, users as reviewers can earn PRE helping Presearch accurately and efficiently scale ads while earning reputation. If your reputation score drops below a certain level you will be disallowed reviews for a cool off period after which you will be allowed to try again but with limited downside room before increasingly longer cool off periods (basically if you do a bad job on reviews you dig a hole for yourself and get a time out after the time out you have to dig yourself out of the hole through proper accurate reviews otherwise the hole gets deeper with longer timeouts).

Not earning PRE rewards, decreasing reviewer’s reputation, and cool off periods are all designed to keep bad actors out of this decentralized process. On the other hand, accurate and timely reviews with great attention to detail can be rewarded with PRE, reputation, and bonus reputation fairly compensating their valuable efforts that make ad Reviews/Approvals more efficient for the Presearch platform. They earn based on their contributions to the ecosystem. Advertisers are also earning reputation, so a regular advertiser with a great reputation is maybe given the benefit of the doubt due to their track record of providing quality ads that meet all guidelines, whereas an advertiser with poor reputation may be scrutinized a little more. Presearch benefits by implementation of a decentralized scalable solution, they earn on every submission regardless of ad withdraws, they earn a little income on the Fiat convenience fees, and income from 25%-75% of the ad review/approval PRE cost. It allows Presearch to quickly and efficiently scale for more ads, increase PRE utility and volume. If there were 10,000 digital ads submitted in a year for review like this example that is approximately 2,000,000 PRE earned by Presearch + Fiat and Appeal fees and ~2,000,000 PRE available to Presearch users/reviewers to earn that year. All being paid by the advertisers. Add to this NFT purchases let’s say 200 NFTs are sold at and average price of 10,000 PRE that is another 2M PRE + 1.1M PRE in consumptive operating expenses. This is 7.1M PRE demand and 5.1M PRE to treasury obviously this could scale up with adoption. And initially presearch could advertise as they currently are until smooth transition can happen.

Presearch user options:
I mentioned earlier upon submission of an ad you must choose the category of ad if approved and advertised on the platform the backend knows what category that ad is. So you might give free users an option in their settings to select certain types of ads they do not want to see. On a free non-staked account those options to uncheck/limit certain categories of ads might be limited to gambling ads and possibly a few others that are commonly annoying. With different levels of PRE on the platform you may unlock additional ad categories that you can uncheck/limit. You could also create a stake option specifically for choosing any or all ads to be turned off. This way for those that don’t change the setting or don’t mind those ads there is a more targeted interested audience for those ad categories and can still make income from them.