Presearch Communities

Presearch Communities:
From what I gather from the Team it seems my original idea above for Presearch Communities cannot be created until Presearch creates it’s own index and storage roles. That being said based on Ben’s comments for more user preferences and control over both search and ad targeting I think there are a few steps that the Team could take now in route to the vision I laid out to begin to implement Presearch Communities and gain adoption. To be clear why Communities are an important idea, if done correctly this concept has the potential to onboard hundreds or thousands of new users overnight and grow the platform exponentially.

The Team completed the beta API in Q3 so that opens the possibility of private corporations communities or entities to be onboarded with their own branded search provider. for example HP or Dell could theoretically request access to the API and create an HP or Dell Search Provider (powered by Presearch). I assume without indexing all brands/communities would get the same great meta-style results but the homepage and result pages could have HP or Dell or you name it… branding. This is all well and good but what actual benefits do these companies or entities derive from this concept? And equally important what benefits does Presearch get for giving their decentralized search platform away?

With access to the Presearch API a brand/community could develop their own search provider even potentially with its own rewards system, advertising, and user interface. It would allow an innovator or even competitor to run its own search provider on the difficult to replicate Presearch decentralized backbone providing ample benefits to the branded/community search engine but potentially NO tangible benefit to Presearch other than searches on the API a net cost. To better align incentives and benefits, Presearch should ensure ability to still advertise to these potential presearch-unregistered (or registered) users so that presearch would be adding both new searches and potential ad revenue. Although this concept would be better for Presearch than for the Brand/community and users. Why? In this case all users get the same results and same ads which as Ben explained is less than ideal and possibly annoying or antithetical to those brands/communities. If the Team pursues this approach my fear is you don’t get uptake on this concept and therefore don’t grow users or revenue.

This leads to a recommended first step which is the creation of Communities/Branded search – which initially could allow ad curation and share ad revenue.

If we want to add substantial users/searches by onboarding corporate branded search, influencers, and communities there needs to be more incentive for them than just a cool branded search provider but there also needs to be benefits for presearch. I think the first step to entice uptake of this concept is to allow those entities to share a portion of the ad revenue. I think 30% or even 40% of ad revenue could be enticing for uptake/adoption. Meanwhile, Presearch would get something (60% of ad revenue) from users/searches they otherwise would not have had; this is still a great deal.

You can further incentivize this uptake if you gave the Community/Branded search the opportunity to curate ads. The simplest way to initially implement this would be to give each Brand/community ambassador/owner the complete list of advertising brands, products, and/or services that Presearch is leveraging and allow them to down-select or remove certain brands or types of ads that could be presented to that community/branded search. If you think about it this is partially what Ben is suggesting although not quite all in the users hands but a great first step at least on the ad side. Why would a Dell or HP want to allow ads from their competitors to be viewed on their employees work computers? They would likely prefer their products or at least ones not from their direct competitors. This is a choice and a feature no other search provider is offering. Why would Bongino or Crowder or name a large community only… want woke corporations like Target, Budweiser, Starbucks, etc. advertising to their communities who don’t support or align with those values? I can tell you they don’t! or the Catholic church or any Christian Church that may want a branded search option to then get abortion or gambling or some other anti-freedom of religion ads going to their parishioners employees or communities? They don’t want that but they currently don’t have a choice. Give them a platform and a voice on ads and eventually on search results (when index is implemented) and give them a share of the ad revenues and you will onboard millions to Presearch.

These communities are also great target markets for different diverse advertisers. Certain brands, products, and services will be busting down your doors to advertise to those targeted communities. Current advertisers would be interested in more targeted ad opportunities as well. If the owners don’t support some ads or ad types, fine they may make less revenue for themselves and/or presearch but could likely bring in other advertisers that are not even on your radar to fill the void possibly making more while maintaining alignment to their communities values. The communities would not have to sell their souls, the users would be appreciative, ads would be better targeted with much higher click throughs, and Presearch gains much needed adoption.

To build on all these ideas while still setting up the opportunity for Presearch to develop the rest of my vision above I would suggest they add a Communities search option with each onboarded Branded/Community so that all available branded/communities become available subscription selections to Presearchers. If subscribed to a community on Presearch, likely free at first, this would allow users to benefit from the Presearch user interface, updates, community packages, user profile settings, rewards, and aligned community values providing better targeted ads and clickthrough rates. Yes, Presearch may lose some 30-40% ad revenue but in exchange gain 60% on millions of new users easily offsetting this concern while opening the opportunity for loyal presearchers to gain some of the benefits from a community. It would allow users to get the same great search results and less annoying more targeted ads all the time. It also would open the possibility of being associated with multiple communities by subscribing to more than 1 in which case the user would have to prioritize their ordered community preferences. With this in place the vision outlined previously above becomes more seamless whereby indexing and storage roles could then create the opportunity for not only curated ads but also curated search results all while maintaining privacy and decentralization. Presearch - “What search was meant to be…”

With something like the above implemented imagine going to Dell or Dan Bongino who gets more active viewers on his live Rumble daily broadcasts than most cable TV networks. Now explain the benefits and how it could support his community and make earning advertising revenue from his viewers even easier, all while preserving their communities values. In the future with indexing they could get the ability to actually uncensor what Google has attempted to censor by curating their communities search results. And eventually even recurring revenue from presearch paid subscriptions if they choose to charge a subscription fee. This becomes a much easier pitch. Eventually you will get communities coming to you. I can tell you if Bongino uses, likes, and recommends presearch to his ripe 3+ million followers the vast majority of which hate Google you would get probably 100k-300k new users in a single month just from his followers.