Monetization update 🔥

Yes, it was me who recommended this kind of monetization via affiliate programs. You can find the discussions and explanations in this proposal:

The current implementation uses one of my 3 proposed “buttons/links”.

With respect to rewarding users for clicking on “affiliate links”…

Often the affiliate program doesn’t allow this. For example, the Amazon Associates program has this very clear “requirement” (Section 6g Content on your site):

You will not offer any person or entity any consideration, reward, or incentive (including any money, rebate, discount, points, donation to charity or other organization, or other benefit) for using Special Links. For example, you cannot implement any “rewards” or loyalty program that incentivizes persons or entities to visit an Amazon Site via your Special Links.


(Also note section 6f with respect to keyword usage on Search Engines)

Finally, there are required policies with respect to disclosure of being an affiliate.

As far as I can see, the team should still inform its users more “clearly” about this before being fully accepted as Amazon Associate.

Anyway, yes your thoughts about rewarding user “activities” that will lead to more affiliate income make sense but are not always allowed (even if part of the rewards/income will be given away to “charity”).

That said, there are “advertisers” and “affiliate programs” that allow user “rewards”.

Finally, there are affiliate programs that don’t allow promotion via search engines. That’s why Google has a “blacklist” of websites/URLs (or redirects to these URLs) that may not be promoted.

(Google doesn’t like affiliates promoting in many cases and prefers organizations to promote by themselves or by professional advertisers/agencies. For Presearch, this can be a USP for keyword staking/advertising)

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