Improve padding/margin of the Partner badge

The text from the search result and the Partner badge could use more spacing between them.

Also, tt might be better in the top-right placement.

Using mt-2 on the flex div makes it look better.

<div class="flex mt-2">
    <xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"></xml>
    <svg class="w-4 h-4" viewBox="0 0 80 80" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:dc=""><g transform="translate(-21.55574,-0.85780717)"><rect class="text-presearch-default" fill="currentColor" width="76.895065" height="66.493217" x="21.55574" y="5.4498072"></rect><g transform="translate(40.352312,-0.16746033)"><path d="m 9.475428,50.625267 h 7.784 a 15.048,15.048 0 0 0 6.448,-1.439999 16.448,16.448 0 0 0 5,-3.848 17.856,17.856 0 0 0 3.2,-5.6 18.256,18.256 0 0 0 1.152,-6.448001 15.816,15.816 0 0 0 -1.248,-6.248 19.024,19.024 0 0 0 -3.408,-5.44 16.96,16.96 0 0 0 -5.096,-3.944 13.808,13.808 0 0 0 -6.4,-1.536 h -20.504 v 49.704 h 13.072 z m 0,-22.503999 h 6.632 a 3.584,3.584 0 0 1 2.4,1.16 c 0.8,0.8 1.256,2.112 1.256,4.224 0,2.112 -0.48,3.368 -1.16,4.04 a 2.984,2.984 0 0 1 -2.2,1.175999 h -6.928 z" style="fill:#ffffff;stroke-width:0.8"></path><path class="text-presearch-default" d="M -18.796572,5.6172675 V 76.433267 a 4.592,4.592 0 0 0 4.592,4.592 h 70.816 a 4.592,4.592 0 0 0 4.592,-4.592 V 5.6172675 a 4.592,4.592 0 0 0 -4.592,-4.592 h -70.816 a 4.592,4.592 0 0 0 -4.592,4.592 z m 65.984,65.9840005 h -52.064 a 4.592,4.592 0 0 1 -4.592,-4.592 v -52.064 a 4.592,4.592 0 0 1 4.592,-4.592001 h 52.064 a 4.592,4.592 0 0 1 4.592,4.592001 v 52.063999 a 4.592,4.592 0 0 1 -4.592,4.592001 z" style="stroke-width:0.8;" fill="currentColor"></path><rect x="15.343428" y="56.42527" width="30.67" height="9.3999996" style="fill:#ffffff;"></rect></g></g></svg>
    <div class="text-xs text-gray-800 dark:text-white ml-1">Partner</div>

thanks for the observation

What does this partnership even mean? Is there any value to users or presearch or both if users click and buy via these “Partner” links? Haven’t heard anything about these through the presearch channels and haven’t seen any articles explaining this.

Presearch will earn revenue when people use eBay through Presearch results and some of that revenue will be used to buy tokens to restock the supply to continue paying node runners, etc.
Benefits all 'round!

Same for Amazon

So when Presearch is stating Amazon and eBay advertising partnerships, these are just affiliate links for Presearch to earn revenue from clicks or are they contractual partnerships where Presearch earns contractual income?

Presearch will earn revenue when people use eBay through Presearch results and some of that revenue will be used to buy tokens to restock the supply to continue paying node runners, etc.
Benefits all 'round!
Same for Amazon

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They mentioned on this week’s update that Amazon was an affiliate. It appears they are appending an affiliate link to all Amazon results.

Not sure if eBay is the same.

I tried to use presearch eBay partner links to buy something for my kid today but it kept pushing me to the eBay application. I tried like 10 times and finally just purchased through the app. Is there a way to know if the partner link actually worked for presearch?

Here you can see it but you can also add eBay as a presearch provider, When you do a search click on the eBay icon

In your top picture every time I clicked the link for eBay it would change from the browser to the eBay app. Just unsure how to know if Presearch was getting the referral credit?

I see, There should be no problem as long as you click on the sponsored link, I could not give you an opinion regarding the app since I do not have it but it should still be counted

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