Following the recent integration of the PRE token to BASE network, are you able to swap your ERC-20 PRE to BASE yet? If not, do not worry, here is how to:
To Bridge your Erc20 PRE to Base PRE, follow these instructions. *See our tutorial video here. (
- Visit the Official Base SuperBridge (Superbridge) for a 1:1 guaranteed PRE: PRE Bridge
- Connect your wallet to the Base SuperBridge platform and make sure your wallet is connected to the Base Network. If your wallet does not automatically recognize Base as an option in the Network dropdown menu, click Add Custom Chain/Network…NOTE: Always use the Chain’s Main website docs for reference, do not simply google the Chain ID. For Base, refer here:
- Select the amount of Erc20 PRE tokens you wish to bridge/Deposit.
- Click Deposit, three boxes, and Initiate Deposit.
- Your Wallet should engage and pop-up. Confirm the transaction details and approve the transaction in your wallet checking that the “send” lines up with the desired quantity.
- See the “Activity” button spinning to confirm that the transaction has been initiated.
Wait for the transaction to be processed. This may take a few minutes.
Once the transaction is complete, your Base PRE tokens will be available in your wallet on the Base side.
After 5–10 minutes, if your wallet does not show your PRE tokens, toggle to Add Custom Token in your wallet and paste the official Base PRE contract (Presearch: PRE Token | Address 0x3816dd4bd44c8830c2fa020a5605bac72fa3de7a | BaseScan) — Correct token contracts can always be found on or
Reference: Presearch Expands to Base Layer 2: A Giant Leap Forward for the PRE Token and Ecosystem!✅ | by Presearch | Jul, 2024 | Medium