๐Ÿš€ Exciting News: Presearch Privacy Search Engine Beta Android App is Here!

Our team has released a brand-new beta version of our app on the Google PlayStore. Come join us in trying it out and sharing your valuable feedback! :handshake:t4:

:point_right: Before you dive in, remember: Privacy is key! :lock:

Thatโ€™s why Presearch - is the private search engine that doesnโ€™t track or store your searches. :man_detective:

Hereโ€™s what you can do:

  1. :calling: Download and install the updated app from the PlayStore.

  2. :mag_right: Explore the new features.

  3. :earth_africa: Use Presearch as your default search engine for added privacy. :globe_with_meridians:

  4. :writing_hand: Share your thoughts, bugs, and suggestions below!

  5. :raised_hands: Your valuable feedback helps us make our app even better. Join us now and letโ€™s build something amazing, where privacy comes first! :muscle:t2:

And hereโ€™s an extra incentive (Referral Program): Invite your friends to try out Presearch using your unique referral link below, and both you and them will receive 50 PRE tokens once each referral has met the respective requirements :gift:

#AndroidBeta #Presearch #PrivacyMatters #FeedbackWanted :pray:t3::handshake:t3:

1 Like

This is great! @Moises-Pre Please bring up to the team that the browser has to be up-to-date with the latest security updates from Chromium (since I think this browser is based on the Chromium backbone)?

Because thereโ€™s no way people will use this browser over ex Chrome if the security patches is not up-to-date, so I beg you to bring this up to the development team.

Awesome browser and I love it, hoping it receives the necessary security updates going forward :slight_smile:

Hello Brickedtls, Thank you for your comments and please, if you have any other suggestions, do not hesitate to write them in this post. All comments will be redirected to the development team so they can add them to the list for a future update :+1: