🔥Daily Statistics 31/08/2023

In the past 24 hours, we recorded over 2.6 M searches and over 7,000 PRE tokens were issued as rewards. Let’s keep the future of decentralized search engines alive. Presearch is the way!

#DecentralizedSearch #SearchAI #Web3

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If you are going to post these daily statistics in this community Forum can you please just create 1 single thread and post them all in a Daily Statics thread?

It consolidates these into 1 place for easy viewing. I would even recommend you go to the discord and pull the oldest all the way to the newest of these posts so they are all in order and in one place like it is on discord. Then archive the old threads on this topic. This makes it easier for the community to track or create graphical data from.


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Hello, thanks for the suggestion. Yes, let’s see what we can do here on the forum and on Discord

An alternative would be to create an announcement category and post in there but either way I think it’s more streamlined to post all similar statistics in one thread. Thanks for your consideration.

Daily Statistics 01/09/2023

In the past 24 hours, we recorded over 2M searches, and over 4,900 PRE tokens were issued as rewards. Let’s keep the future of decentralized search engines alive. Presearch is the way!

#DecentralizedSearch #SearchAI #Web3