I get that the Roadmap might change overtime and with new advances but it seems to me the changes are because there is no real strategic vision for the project and therefore the focus continues to shift. Lets agree on a foundation like the vision paper laid out something that allows us to build not on shifting sands but on a solid rock. I don’t think the team has the right priorities as so far the only constant is focus on PTA and ad revenue.
I have said the priority should be:
#1 The Users and constantly improving their experience.
#2 Revenue Streams - especially ones that are decentralized and benefit the most people
#3 Mass Marketing - Not until #1 and #2 are solid, although limited marketing to warm/hot markets could provide value and may be necessary to gain initial critical active user base and searches (25-30M daily searches). I think until we have an extremely solid user experience with substantive differentiation from competitors and multiple solid income streams we should not be wasting resources on mass marketing. Instead focus on warm/hot marketing and development that will entice users organically. We need 30M + real daily searches which is probably less than 10 million active users. But then again we don’t track active users and searches so we have no clue what the average user daily searches are?
#4 Everything else
Everything you do must build Trust through Transparency along the way.
I will comment on a few newly added items in the Q3 Roadmap:
1) Relevancy Enhancements - This should be prioritized over everything else because if the search results are not sufficiently improving over other search experiences then what incentive do people have to switch. YOU HAVE TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT AND BETTER than the competition or you have ZERO chance of being a player in the search space.
I recommend the team focus on this and get it right. For example I conducted 2x simple searches relevant to recent US Political events and the results are garbage.
First search query was “Trump assassination attempt” and second query was “Biden withdraws”
The first event despite having 9 days elapsed produced less results and according to the allsides media bias chart produced 100% Left or Lean Left results. this is the consequence of being a meta search using already censored results (garbage in garbage out). Yes this may be better than Google or Bing alone but still censored.
The second query being broader may be the reason for more total results however, the results were 3x Left, 6x Lean Left, 4x Center, and 1x Right.
Additionally, the top 4x results of both queries were Left or Lean Left. These are just 2x simple recent queries my experience has been similar to this for most queries. But don’t take my word for it, verify yourself by conducting your own bias testing.
News Feature: When I check for News using the news option the results are very similarly skewed to the left. To better reflect the user population much needs to be done in this regard. The Epoch Times and The Gateway Pundit among many others should be added to provide more balanced results.
Video Feature: When I utilize the video feature for searches the vast majority of results are Google-controlled YouTube followed by other censored platforms like FaceBook, Instagram, CNN, and TicToc. If you are not living under a rock you would know that Rumble and X.com are 2 of the most uncensorsed mass-utilized services. These should be added to all future search results especially video results a recent report has verified the fact that X.com is the worlds #1 news source and yet seems to be absent from presearch results. There are probably others to look to add depending on the quality of their APIs and searchability.
2) Presearch Mobil App - Improves user experience, no plugins required to make default search, helps with onboarding, retention, and benefits users due to brave open-source privacy backbone.
3) Deeper Web3 Integration Phase 1 and 2 - Improves Trust and Transparency and more decentralization and user control with utilization of PRE on platform.
4) Presearch.io Design overhaul - How does this improve users experience with Presearch.com? If not don’t waste the time push to a later date.
5) New Hires - Marketing focused? We don’t need mass marketing YET but we desperately NEED DEVELOPMENT, LOTS of development. Hire and spend on Devs. Marketing if 100% required then possibly outsource for warm\hot market campaigns. Don’t waste valuable resources on a fulltime marketing hire until we have clearly winning developments and multiple income streams.
6) PreFI ButteryflyWheel - This sounds ridiculous but I am genuinely curious what this is? If we are talking about some new Presearch Finance platform I think that is silly talk and WAY OUTSIDE THE Priority areas of focus. We should be enhancing search. Anything that is not doing that is a distraction for now. If you are talking about PRE tokenomics then maybe call this PRE Flywheel or PRE tokenomics. I think if you are going to create PRE utilities and this is a mechanism to to better source those PRE utilities for even non-crypto-minded people I am on board but LACKS any clarification or details other than approach to deflationary PRE. Recommend change the name and put a little meat on the bone for details.
7) PRE Burn Function - If I had to guess I think this is related to PreFI above since deflation was mentioned and burn is typically deflationary mechanism unless countered by minting. First let us differentiate and clarify that with presearch I see two potential usages that the team may be refering to for token deflation. The first is referring to PRE in the Treasury right now the project is HIGHLY INFLATIONARY with more tokens leaving the treasury in the form of reward outflows and sells than are coming in as INCOME. I wholeheartedly support disinflation or even deflation in this sense meaning more token inflows than outflows which means higher demand and less supply having to purchase from the communities or projects float would be ideal.
The second form of deflation they may be referring to is token deflation or burning total supply down. I don’t support this second form of deflation or traditional burn mechanism at this time for the following reasons:
a) First of all we just increased the max supply less than 5 months ago due to uncertainty. Talk of any token burn mechanisms is crazy at this point.
b) If the project intends to really change the search space and compete and take market share from the incumbents then we need the tokens due to the potential size of the user base and liquidity needs for onboarding the world. If we are not serious about this then what the hell are we doing here?
c) Token burn will be seen as a gimmick to try to artificially reduce token supply without doing the HARDWORK of BUILDING and DEVELOPING the platform of the future. This would be a RED FLAG to me that Tim and Team are just interested in unloading their tokens into a bullmarket frenzy. Of which many others would also follow suit and no long-term progress just a dead project after.
d) In the future when we better understand the potential market and have solid income streams and great net positive treasury inflows. I may be supportive of drop-type token burn mechanism like XRP/XLM which burns tiny fractions of a token as transaction gas to prevent spamming the network.
8) Search result crowd ranking - It mentions scout.presearch.com so I was curious what this might look like in practice but the scout page everytime I did a search after results showed it would then take me to an explainer video or asked me to join/verify. I did verify via email and a 3 digit code from my phone but didn’t seem to correlate or verify on my desktop. So Scout for the first use was a bad user experience.
I like the idea of crowd ranking results but need to prevent spammers overall I think if done right would be a great mechanism to fight censorship and bring page 3-4 results to page 1 but what if results are not even showing open-source best how do you get it there. This is why I think keywords needs to be revamped first because it is dual purpose ad income and uncensorship all while decentralized. Then after keywords are in place and rocking look to further develop this crowd feature later.